
Open the vault of past lives

Shaalin Tandon Season 1 Episode 2

Unlock the ancient secrets within you. A discussion with Dr. Piyush Saxena, author of the book  Mysteries of Life” that delves deep into the mystic realms. This journey perhaps holds the power to alter your destiny and illuminate your true path. 

In the second episode of Soul n Sense, host Shaalin Tandon welcomes Dr. Piyush Saxena to discuss Past Life Regression (PLR). Dr. Saxena, with experience in nearly 900 PLR sessions, explains the process as a therapeutic technique that involves hypnosis to access memories of past lives, aiming to address chronic ailments, relationship issues, and fears. They delve into the concept of reincarnation, the existence of the soul, and the potential of PLR to solve complex personal and relational problems. Highlighting intriguing case studies, Dr. Saxena shares insights into the profound impact PLR has on individuals, including resolving deep-seated emotional issues and exploring the concept of future life progression. The discussion also touches on the broader implications of PLR, including its potential to reveal information about the universe and the soul's journey across lifetimes.

You can learn more about Dr. Piyush Saxena at

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Hi! Welcome to Soul n Sense.

I am Shalin Tandon, the host of this podcast.

And I welcome you to my podcast the Soul n Sense.

Today we have Dr Piyush Saxena with us once again.

Dr Piyush Saxena has been associated with me for last 20 years. 

Today we’re going to discuss a very interesting topic… Past Life Regression.

I want to tell the audience that this is an important topic for me too.

This reveals so many mysterious things, unveils so many mysteries.

Soul n Sense is the medium, the platform through which I am bringing these interesting things to you all. 

So, a big welcome to Dr Piyush Saxena, Piyush uncle to me.

Thank you, Thanks for giving me another chance to talk to you.

Thank you for being here again…

Today's topic is very interesting for me.

For me as well...

So, let’s start...

Firstly, many people do not know what Past Life Regression is!

Can you explain us in a few words what Past Life Regression is so that people can know about it?

Let me tell you that this is a very interesting, very enjoyable concept… (Laughs)

I have done close to 900 PLR sessions.

About 40 of these have been done on me.


Every time I wonder how this happens...?

And when it ends, strange results are seen! 

It works wonderfully…

And how? Hypnotism. This happens through hypnotism.

Hypnotism is necessary for this.

And unlike the movies where they swung a pendulum in front of you…

Here the conscious mind is put to sleep and the subconscious mind is awakened…

There is a way, a technique to do it, I’ll tell you about it later.


Through this process we go into the subconscious mind…

Where the memories of our past lives are kept in form of a library.

It’s like a software…

These memories have to be retrieved…


Here Past Life means your previous births…

And Regression means searching from the library.


This helps in cure and solutions of chronic ailments, chronic relationship issues and chronic fears etc.…

These are the common issues, but it solves other issues too.


So, what I am able to understand from Past Life Regression and if I want to explain it to my viewers...

It involves a mild hypnosis to awaken up your subconscious mind and...

helps you find solutions to your current life problems by searching the memories…


This is also interesting to me, because I’ve gone through the process of PLR once…

And I am eagerly waiting for the second session as well…

It will be a pleasure!

Anyways, let's take the conversation forward on PLR…


First of all, tell me, whether PLR is true or fake? Is it quackery?

Is it all in mind and nothing is real?



No, no… I also used to wonder whether it is fraud or quackery…

But whenever, I try this on some client, I see improvement in that person...

I think I’ve done close to 40 workshops…

Teaching and guiding nearly 25 people in each workshop…

And the success rate is almost 100 percent, if not 100 percent…

So, the soul exists, it is true, isn’t it??

There is confirmation of this, isn’t it?

We need to understand that its basis is reincarnation.

The basis of the PLR is reincarnation.

The soul definitely exists. It is immortal.

And its first mythological example is ‘Shikhandi’. 

When Shikhandi came in front of Bhishma Pitamaha, he said, “hey, she was a girl in her previous life, I will not raise my hand on her.”

And such cases have been seen before as well…

Some references of this process (PLR) are found in the time of Lord Gautam Buddha.

And after this it remained dormant till 1987 with hardly any reference.

Around 1987, Brian Wise, who lives in New York and is a psychology professor,

hypnotized a lady, namely, Catherine…

In trance, she started saying that something was happening in her stomach.

Since Brian was a psychologist, he understood that she had gone into her past life.

And from there the process was formally revived again!

Frankly speaking, it’s very easy to say that I’m doing the session.

It will be more appropriate to say that I am just a medium and the universe is conducting these sessions through me,

Everything is predestined here…

The earth is ascending…

And when I did the sessions for the first time, procedure went on in the normal course...

but when I planned a workshop, Shalin I am telling you the honest truth, I know what was going on in my heart, what if everything did not go well?

But that was not to happen, because the universe was supporting us.

And the programs that I do are of 4 nights and 5 days, residential type.



When I learned the PLR, I found many shortcomings in the program.

Even before the commencement of 4 night and 5-day residential training program, I explain the theory part in advance through zoom sessions.

And once the theory part is completed on zoom, the participants can start the practical’s as soon as they arrive at the venue.


Let me tell you how we do the practical…

I will definitely ask you about the process of PLR…

Prior to that, the one thing I want to know that the person who is going for the PLR, 

during the session he may say something which may be worrisome for him…

And if anyone is under hypnosis, he will think whether to get the session done by someone trustworthy or someone who has the knowledge.

Otherwise, I may say something that…

There would be a privacy issue!

The deeper the trance in hypnotism, the more accurate the answers are!

But rest assured, no matter what happens between the client and the therapist, the therapist cannot ask a single question beyond the clients wishes.

This will just not happen…


So basically, you are conscious…

Means, your conscious mind is guiding you.

We can realize that the lights are on and the fan is running...

Yes, you can't move your body… you are in trance, a sleeplike state…

Memories of the session or conversation between client and therapist remains in memory or…

In 90% cases, the person undergoing the session can recall the complete event.

In 10% cases, it seems as if they have woken up from their sleep and their memory has been blacked out…

In such a situation, I normally call someone along.

If there’s someone from their family, I tell them to come along and sit.

As an eye witness, he helps the client to recall the events.

But people usually remember.

And the interesting thing is that this can be done over the telephone.

Oh! It can be done through a call too?

Yes, it gets done on the telephone.

As I don't have a professional set up and this is a privacy related issue…

I do it over telephone also.


So Piyush uncle, here we are discussing bout the memories of soul, but we do not know how many births soul has taken?

Thus, what do you think? How far back can we go?

Shalin, you are a computer engineer…

Imagine you’ve saved a file on your laptop 25 years ago and one 25 seconds back

I can access both.

Which will take longer to access?


Same, right?

Man, this is the universe!

Understand the language of the universe and enjoy it!

You’ve tried it once, right?


Life is not infinite.

From what I understand it is around 125 to 150…

There is a calculation behind this.

The civilizations we know about such as Indus Valley, Egypt etc., are only 5000 years old.

If we assume the average age during this period to be100.

Earlier the average age was higher, people lived longer.

Then it started decreasing and now it is increasing.

There are reasons for that also.

Along with this, if we also take in consideration the time between two lives…

It takes time between two births…

If we consider it as 4-5 years then it comes close to 100 births.

So, it is not infinite.

And where are these 100 lives coming from?

Because before that there were primitive humans etc.?

It is important to understand one thing about civilization, that… 

Whenever we connect with the earthen world and its materials, the parameters of life will be different.

Animals still do not have tendency to possess anything.

I don't even find animals during Past life sessions. 

However, some animal traits are often found in humans.

Anyway, these are the approximate numbers of birth…

And when you search from these births… 

Man, what can be there in a computer? 

1TB memory, RAM etc.

And all this has developed in just about a period of 100 years…

The technology of the universe is millions of years old.

We don't know how data is transmitted there.

Means there is only the soul, soul energy and memories of the soul…

And it works like that only.

The biggest thing is that there is no argument behind the results that come from them,

They are just results.

Piyush Uncle, I have a question on this. 

The question is a bit complicated.

Yes, ask please! That’s why I am sitting here.

Can you know the future?

My question is very specific.

No issues…

Can you go into the future through PLR?

This is called Future Life Progression…

And it is very well defined.

I was doing a session with a lady.

During the trance she travelled not just through a single life, but nearly five lives! 

She had only seen atrocities in her previous births.

Seeing her turbulent past, sometimes, I used to have tears in my eyes.


So, I prayed to the universe that I want to go to the future to see…

… whether this woman is destined to be happy or not!

I still remember that session, it was the year 2187, almost 170 years away from now.


The woman appeared to be a grandmother playing with her two grandchildren.

She was living with her son and daughter in law.

And I took the woman further in future.

She was also feeling good. There was some happiness in her life.

At last, some happiness somewhere…

She was saying, wrap the TV.


What does “wrap the TV” mean?

The change in the technology was clearly visible, the kind of vehicles that were running, the buildings

The way the cars move, the buildings that are not even in today’s New York.

I, myself, saw them wrapping the TV. 

A table came out…

They had their lunch.


The technology we saw wasn't from today. It was from the future.

So, if the universe is asked for help so actually the future, then it can recreate future also.

Yes, it is defined and can be recreated.

I did another session to know what a soul is, after all there are so many of them hanging around…

So much fear has been created regarding the souls…

That souls are here; the souls do exist…

Why there is so much fear of souls?

What’s going on?

Love is the language of souls…

The soul merges with the divine in a funnel like movement.

Souls are here to face challenges…

And the more challenges, the more growth there is! And such souls merge with divine in a much better way.

I believe that the souls that face the most difficulties are those of transgenders.

They grow facing Insults, scarcity and distress; No wonder in a single journey, they move far ahead…

It takes a lot of courage to live such a life!

So, in this way we can go into the future, we can also know where we will be after five births or ten births?

Okay, Piyush uncle, give me examples of a few sessions, where you have permission to tell, in which there was a visible change or someone has felt positive changes in themselves after the session?

My answer is that everyone has benefitted.



Now, the question comes to…

Which one was the most interesting?

Yes, Interesting and intense…


For me all sessions are result oriented. 

The results keep coming…

As far the most intense session is concerned…

I’ll never forget this session.  A woman came to me. She was from the film industry and she came from someone’s reference.

Anyway, without reference I wouldn’t have done it.

She said, I am here to see what do you do actually?

I said, ma'am! This knowledge is of a different kind. It can be experienced; it is not something that can be seen.


I myself give full respect to this knowledge. 

She wasn't ready to budge…

She was just adamant to see it.

And she came from a close reference otherwise I would have refused.

It suddenly clicked to my mind that the reference person, with whom she was there, was

hampering the session…

Oh, the presence was the issue…

The lady was not comfortable in saying anything in front of him.

I understood…

Privacy matters!

So, I told him, brother, please wait outside.

The man went out and the lady immediately confessed.

Her problem was such that it can never be forgotten…

She straight away told me that from the day of her birth to the present day, she hates her mother like hell!

Hates her mother!

She hates her mother like hell!


I paused for a moment…

Just imagine, a child since her birth…

How can someone hate their mother?

She didn’t just hate her…

She hated her so much that she would have killed her had she been allowed to do so.

When such questions come up, it is natural to feel shocked.

I asked her, are you the third or fourth daughter of your parents?

How did you know?

I am sitting here to explain this only.


She was shocked to hear this and said, yes, I am the third daughter of my parents.

I told her that hers was a case of unwanted pregnancy.

Not only that it was case of a failed MTP as well.



Let’s go and see; 

and we started the session

I took her to the period when her mother conceived. Two months after conceiving, her mother told her father that she was going to become a mother again.

On this his father said, “we should not even think about this. We didn’t have enough money to raise another child. Abortion is the only way left out.


Mother said, may be this time it will be a boy. But she had to bow down to her husband’s insistence and the decision of MTP was taken. 

Mother went for MTP. But during the process, the fetus got stuck to the uterus,

The lady, who was under session, saw that entire scene. I also saw it.

The fetus was fighting to stay alive, “I don’t want to die. I want to come to earth.”

So that soul was fighting to stay….

Yes, so, when the MTP was being done and she got stuck;

the MTP failed and she survived.

There was another aspect to this entire incident.

Father wanted her mother to go for MTP, 

whereas mother wanted to keep the child…

By the time they came to know about the failure of MTP, a lot of time has passed…

And finally, she came into this world.

I told the girl, “Where she sees her mother’s fault in this whole incident?”

Yes, correct…

She broke down. She said, “it was not her mother’s fault,”

Anyway, decisions are made keeping the financial situations in mind.

And the mother was being supportive…

She cried a lot and she understood everything.

She had considered her mother a killer since the second month of pregnancy…

She assumed that the mother is the killer…

And when she realized that her mother was not at fault, all her anger went away.

She cried a lot for few minutes. She got cathartic relief…

And she was convinced that her mother was not at fault.

She called me 2 days later…

To say that the relationship between her and her mother has become mostly normal.

Because she had stopped getting angry… 

and the mother did not know that she had got such a session done.

An important thing is that both of them do not know that such a session has been done.

Because she has dealt with her emotional chords…

If so, you will end mother- in law and daughter-in-law fights in India!

If mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, together, go for PLR sessions, both will become sisters.


They’ll become mother daughter… (laughs)

By the way, daughter-in-law will not tell her mother that she is going for a PLR session and vice versa. 

There is a special equation in this. Both of them love their own children…

But the daughter-in-law doesn't like her mother-in-law’s child, even if he is her husband.

Correct… correct…

And this equation goes on and on… (laughs)

But I have done PLR sessions on mother-in-law and daughter-in-law as well.

And what emerges from this is that in the previous life there have been some equations between the two which have promoted hatred and torture. 

I think this matter has been given unnecessary publicity.

And in India, this has been made a big deal without any context.

There is no substance in it?

Yes, there is...

Even if there is something, it can be resolved by PLR.

Yes, it can…

Have you ever done a PLR session where you were confident that the things that came up during the session could also happen in reality?

Have you ever done PLR on two people together or have been in such a situation…?

I’ll tell you something. There is a concept of crystal, rainbow and indigo children.

Some children on earth have come from outside.

So, you’re saying alien souls.

Yes, that’s what I am coming to…

Ultimately there is a universe

Say, we have 8 billion people…

800 crore people on earth.

You can do a session anywhere, whenever you wish.

The three names which I mentioned- Rainbow, Crystal and Indigo, come from a different planet.

And they have some features which we recognize from experience.

They are slightly more intelligent.

They suffer from one major chronic health issue.

They are simple…

It is also said that they come to earth to make it a better place.

I have visited many planets during sessions. 

And I have made some great observations…

The session I am going to talk about here…  I have their permission to tell…

One is the son of a colleague Harshita Jain, a trustee of our trust.

And the other one is the daughter of an acquaintance Sandeep Sood.

Both the parents had discussed with me some of the problems of these children separately.

This was during Corona pandemic.

I told them that these kids, seemed to me, are from a different planet.

I did separate sessions for both of them. They went to the other planet, everything there seemed familiar to them and they came back.

I thought of conducting a joint visit of both the kids.

Means, after individual visit, now you are trying to conduct a joint visit?

Piyush uncle, how can this be possible?

I also wondered about how this could be possible? 

Then I thought, there is nothing wrong in trying? Let’s see what happens.

The person in-charge of this planet is Yehova, Thao Yehova.

The gods, we know about, have their access limited to our solar system only.

When I went to another planet for the first time, I have to leave our gods here only.

Yehova took me to another planet.

It is very interesting!

You already know all this…

So, I took one kid on a line and the other on another line of 

On the phone?

Yes, on a conference call…

The complete recording of this session is on my website. The session lasted about for 2 hours.

Believe me! These two kids are yet to meet each other in person…

And when they were walking on Pletius.

Is Pletius a planet?

Yes, at a distance of 445 lightyears from Earth…

445 lightyears, which means it will take 445 years for light to reach earth!

So, these kids reached there instantaneously?

It took about a minute…


And when they reached there…

They were walking like a brother and sister, holding each other’s hand. 

And the boy was telling her that sister, don’t go there. There is a pit there. Go from there. 

Strange thing was that both of them were seeing the same visuals.

I was surprised to see all this happening.

Two people, on the phone, from different places, have arrived at a planet 450 light years away…

And they're guiding each other that there’s a pit ahead on the planet!

The girl, Vidhi, was in Faridabad and the boy was in Kopar Khairane, Navi Mumbai. 

It is amazing… This all happened while I took them in a trance…

I said them to come to the vast open field and start climbing the stairs…

This was all pre decided. Vidhi had already taken an appointment from Yehova in advance.

It’s also fascinating, the way we get an appointment. 

This is a completely different planet!

It’s truly amazing. Assume that what I am seeing has no truth in it, it has no evidence…

But when I surf the internet and read blogs, I find a number of people having similar experiences. 

These are the random people, people whom I don't know at all.

This means, what I am seeing has some substance in it.

The more and more I read and understand, I start finding the logic in things.

For example, you believed me when I said lightyears away… You believed that nothing can go faster than light.

But now we have evidences suggesting that it’s possible to go faster than light.

At Least there are discussions of the same, though we can’t say we have proofs or science backs it.

Science believes in evidences…

The Wright brothers invented airplanes in 1903.

Till 1902, did anyone thought of traveling by air?

Rather, the people who spoke about it were made fun of!

Even Wright brothers were not spared. People made fun of their idea as well.

This happens with all inventions…

and it has already happened with all major inventions right from wheel, water clock etc.

Just think of the computers, did 100 years ago anyone had a thought over it? 

25 years ago, no one would have thought of sending audio video signals in this way…

Take a picture and it will be immediately shared through WhatsApp.

100 years ago, none of this was available.

When there were no cameras, who would have thought of taking pictures like this?

The irony is we don’t believe in something until we see it.

and once it’s in front of our eyes, it gets normalized…

Let me put two very straight forward examples.

Do you know Audio Visual senses?


What about touch, smell and taste?

Shaleen, can you tell me how does it feel when you touch this image?

Digitally it is not possible.

Senses like touch, smell or taste cannot be felt digitally.

Can you?

No, not digitally…

This doesn't mean, it can’t happen?

It Means we don't know about it today. 

Maybe, it will be possible tomorrow.

The universe teaches us to think and see rationally.

Apart from touch, smell and taste, there are many things about which we are unaware such as balance, temperature and anxiety.

No, we don’t 

Now, go back to 500 years ago, when audio and visuals transfer was not known.

At that time no one knew about something until told.

Yes, you had to by word of mouth.

Yes, by word-of-mouth, but to a limited extent, such as Mr. X looks like this, his hair looks like that...

Till photos were not available, camera was not invented…

So, we the practitioners of PLR believe that if science does not agree with something…

then we need to look back at the time in history when the invention did not exist.

I did a session once where neither we could see or touch anything.

I asked the client to use his sense of smell.

All these things are stored in the memory of universe.

Yes, smell, taste, touch is there in the memory of Universe.

Anxiety and depression, balance too,

During sessions I have found people stumble while walking and ask, “Where are they?”

So, where this person had landed, it was a horse stable and was filled with horse droppings.

No sooner I asked him to smell, within 2 seconds, he did request me to get him out of the place… as he was unable to bear the smell of droppings.

This man was big a trader for Arabian horses in one of his previous births…

And was kept captive among the horses.

When he reached there once again during the session, he couldn't bear it.

He asked me to take him out of there.

He must have been angry.

Yes, he was angry too. 

What I’m trying to tell here that all our memories are stored in the universe in different formats.

The things we are doing right now too, is stored.

As far as memory storage is concerned, it is nothing like MB, GB and TB. 

It cannot be estimated how many trillion TB is the memory of Universe!

To be remembered, this is universe!

I have heard of Akashic Records, is that the same?

Yes, it is the same. Akashic records means library.

It is not in physical form…

Yes… yes…

This is a library, whoever has faith in it can retrieve it.

By the way, I would like to tell you one thing, I would like my audience also to know this.

It was my first PLR session.

There are some questions, too, related to the same.

The first PLR session I did was…

Because I wanted to meet my father. My father died at that very time.

I thought maybe I could reach him with the help of PLR.

I tried, and you also guided me a lot in the process.

“Go ahead, if you can see your father, ask him.”

I didn't reach my father.

But I had definitely reached somewhere while I was travelling.

The planet or whatever zone I reached…

There were enlightened and glowing people

And they were floating, there was no walking involved.

It was a mix of sci-fi, mix of reality, mix of floating…

And I was looking for someone, maybe my father.

You were also guiding me in conversations’...

“Find and ask, where are you, what are you doing, whom you have come to meet?”

So, I tried and finally, I met someone.

Someone like a cloud who guided me to a point.

And the reason why I am telling this story…

So that listeners could also understand.

When I reached there, I met someone like a guru.

White haired?

Yes, a guru with white hairs, I had never seen him, did not know him.

But just for a second…

I felt his feelings.

And I am telling the truth, at least for the next 5-6 years… 

My last PLR session was some 7-8 years ago.

It was a godly feeling which I felt for 5-6 years.

I could feel it sometime when I am either in a trance or deep meditation.

Sometimes I get goosebumps!

I also agree that perhaps there is a memory of feelings,

I have experienced it, but I couldn't understand it.

Maybe my body and mind did not understand it.

Do you think that people who go for a PLR session…?

do their issues get resolved in just one session or many such sessions required?

If the issue is major then it could take up to 6 sessions.

It’s like, you weren’t able to meet your father, maybe the universe didn’t approve of that.

Maybe this wasn’t the right time to meet him.

Maybe soul needs sometime after the death. 

It is not that death occurred today and we are having a session after 15 days.

Soul is in its migration at that time.

And soul is not available.

You need permission of the universe as well.

And you should also have competence and willingness to meet the soul.

When all of the above are in harmony, well, it’s really very easy.

It’s very easy to talk to the soul or your revered gods.

Nowadays a lot of sessions are being done.

The results are also very good.

What is its spread in India?

In the times we are living today, trust deficit among people is very high. 

There is to questions and answers about everything. 

We ask things in curiosity. 

Past life regression is bringing people together.

Many equations and problems are being solved by PLR.

As far as future is concerned, 

We are only a medium. 

Everything is predestined as universe supports this.

It would not be right to say what I have done or what my contribution is!

More appropriate would be, what the universe made me contribute? 

Earlier, till 2010, people from psychology and psychiatry considered this technique as their dominance.

They were not letting others to enter their exclusive domain.

May be sense of control… because they do the hypnosis.

In 2009 I learnt this technique, there was no major changes in it till 2010-11.

In 2012, I started teaching and guiding people.

In between, I learnt that PLR can be done over phone too!

But I was unable to figure out how could it happen over phone?

Then I asked Mr. Gaud, my spiritual mentor, how can it will be possible?

Mr. Gaud replied that earth is ascending and universe is supporting me.

And I am only a medium for this.

He said, I am fortunate and chosen one, so I always stay alert and keep in mind that I am a channel only.

But there is no doubt that it solves many problems.

Different people may have different observations, its natural.

Universe’s three percent population lives on earth.

There are many planets which are habitable and have life.

There’s no reason to believe this?  Why should I believe in it?

But what if I don’t believe?

People leaving in different places, with whom I have no connection,

They have also come to the same conclusion that three percent of universes population lives on earth.

This reinforces the point.  if different people are making the same observation.

Let me tell you one more interesting thing, it took me almost one and half years to understand.

The colors we see on other planets of universe aren't there on earth.

What do you mean?

I have visited a total of 40 planets and those colors aren't on earth.

Theirs green is different. There is a lot of sparkle in it.

There is sparkle in every colour.

I remained puzzled about this for one and half year. How it is possible? There was no answer available.

I am a physics student. I know it’s the same VIBGYOR, the same solar spectrum, it comes within 4000 to 8000 Hz units.

One day a thought came to my mind that it isn't necessary that the sun works on the same fusion technology on hydrogen and helium present on all the planets?

There could be a different technology, these planets may have a different spectrum.

And in their spectrum, some colors might be breaking in continuity, which is not the case here.

When I tried to understand this from one of my colleagues, he also said, “yes you are right.” 

This observation is not just mine; it is that of thousands of people who have seen different colors.

During the sessions, we often ask clients whether the colors they are seeing are seen on earth as well? Their answers are always NO.

These incidents are witnesses to the fact that there is truth in the matter.

By the way I had made a proposal to NASA. According to the information they have, humans cannot land on Mars for the next 100 years.

I suggested documenting the experiences of people who have been there during PLR sessions.

And do an independent study on it.

They will get some clue.

Yes, and there is a logic behind everything I am saying.

Do you know what happened?

NASA did not respond to the letter.

In America, there is generally a tendency of sending a reply to every letter.

What can be done if it does not come? My bad luck…

In between some other events took place.

During the sessions, some people saw UFO, some people something else.

I formed a group of such people and started holding meetings every Monday at 8:30.

You want believe it, during the 7th or 8th meeting a senior engineer from NASA joined

the group.

This is a personal experience.

In group…

I asked him,” I want to know why NASA did not respond to me?”

And he said that NASA has a different division which is, seriously, researching all these matters.

But as a matter of policy, they couldn't acknowledge it.

I got the reply… This is the universe's way of telling me that if I’m clear in my intentions then the universe will support me and let me know where does I stand! 

My next assignment is to consolidate these materials and convince NASA to open a window in this regard.

This is unbelievable…!

It is an unbelievable journey.

Shaleen, do you know how souls travel from one place to another?

Nah, how do they travel? How do they cover a distance of 450 light years?

This is very easy. We have a pre conceived notion that nothing travels faster than light.

I can do a session and show you that it'll take just one minute to travel 450 lightyears.

You’ll feel a pull in your body while traveling, will feel like someone is pulling you.

In my first session, I felt like someone was pulling me taking away, though I knew I was lying down on a bed.

I asked my therapist, “whether I was still there?”

He said, “yes, you are here.”

I felt like I was being pulled up.

I have been to the Planet of love, Planet of war, Planet of assimilation. I also visited the planets of fights, water and many more like this.

If we keep doing sessions like this, we have no idea what it will reveal since everyone has a different experience.

Sometimes neither I nor the client have any question remaining to ask.

On one such occasion, jokingly, we decided to go into deep water.

In the Pacific Ocean, at a depth of 11 km from surface, we felt like to ask the fishes whether they know that humans, like us, live above the water?

It was very interesting.

When we reached deep down the water, the God of fishes didn’t allow us to enter.


How can people drive in a no entry lane?

I pleaded him to let us in…

He refused at first.

But we kept on pleading to the God of fishes.

After a minute he said,” Come. Tell me, what do you want to know?”

So, I asked, “Sir, do you have an idea that humans stay above the water?”

He said, “What do you mean by it? We don’t even need to know it.”

They have no reason to find out, as they cannot come up 11 km.

I asked him,” whether he had passed through broken pieces of shipwrecks and ever wondered, how they’re coming deep inside from up above.”

He said, “no, they are UFOs.”

They don't know that there's a world above them.

In the same way, we don't know which world exists outside ours?

Men, we don’t know what is happening beneath 2 kms of earth surface!

Shaleen, a question of yours remained to be answered.

How does a soul travel from one place to another?

and whether they lose weight when they leave the body?

There has been a lot of studies going on this.

Researchers have even measured the scales by keeping sand on one side and   soul on the other.

Sachin, your brother, is staying in London, right?


Let's tell Sachin to put his phone off for a while.

Take a photo and send it to him…

You took a photo and sent it to your brother whose phone is off.

He didn’t receive it. 

Now delete the photo from the memory of your phone.

Now tell me, where the photo is!

The fact is that you took a photo on your phone and deleted it; and Sachin hasn't received it yet.

Whenever and wherever on the globe, Sachin switches on his phone, he will receive the photo.

Because it must have been saved on some server somewhere.


Now, I tell me what is the exact location where that photo is?

It is impossible to know and find out it.

Either it will be stored in the server of an operator here or an operator there. 

I will give you the details of server, take 100 engineers of your choice, without knowing the password can you retrieve the photographs?

No, I will not be able to find it.

This is our advance technology, now imagine how advanced the technology of universe will be.

Because, we are not able to accept that it's so advanced.

Compare the picture to the soul, the soul leaves the body and its super controlled software holds it in place, gives suggestions and commands. 

Then only it goes wherever it has to go, the soul has to follow the path.

We aren't entitled to know and understand this.

Whatever we are able to understand is due to universes blessing.

Our sitting here and discussing on such a serious topic is no less a blessing of universe.

This is the way universe works.

Piyush uncle, as far as I understand, even our viewers have not much knowledge of these things. 

Even when they try to talk about these things others often make fun of them. They will say,” you are mad, these things are baseless.”

Because half the people will think you’re mad, these are made up things.

I also believe that these have no evidences. Our world runs on science. We believe only in those things which are visible or understandable to us.

Still, we believe in existence of God, right?

We have faith in him and his powers as well.

Yes, we have.

So, there is a world out there somewhere that we don’t know and we’ll understand it at some point of time.

Just like that there was a world before which we are trying to understand now.

This has been an informative and amazing session for me.

It must have been a fun for viewers as well. Because these stories can't be understood by reading only and without knowing the context of it.

I hope that people will now find some context and interest after watching this.

When we read a fiction, there seems some truth and depth in it as well.

An acquaintance had a lot of pain in his back since last 11/12 years.

He tried all the remedial measures but the pain persisted.

I advised him to try a PLR session.

He trusts me a lot.

He lied down and I took him to the trance.

He used to run a dairy farm some 400 years ago. He owned 250 cows and buffaloes. 

He used to start roaming around early in the morning with a stick in hand.

He used to hit the milkman on their backs, so that they can milk as much as possible.

One day a milkman died.

Even after his death, the dairy was still running.

I suggested him to go to that man’s house and what was happening there. 

To find out this, we went to dead milkman’s house.

As soon as milkman’s widow saw him, she became angry, “because of you we had to sell the house and we are living on rent now.”

The woman started cursing him in various ways.  

I asked him how he felt seeing all this.

He admitted that he made a mistake.

I asked him, “whether he is ready to apologize?”

He apologized to the woman.

The woman didn't forgive him, but words of apology did reach to her ears.

Well, whatever happened, it has been eight years now, he never had back pain again.


He apologized to the milkman’s widow and pain went away.

He cut the cord…

Yes, the pain went away.

Fear of fire… someone is afraid of fire. It means he has burnt to death in any of his previous lives.

There are different ways to overcome different issues.

I am sure there are many more such stories in this country.


And we don’t know what people might get while doing PLR.

It is possible that some one may find some hidden treasure.

They’ll also find out which of their past lives is directly affecting their today's life and may bring a change in it too.

Let me tell you about finding hidden gold, since you are free to ask me anything on this podcast.

To know this, you must have permission and support of the universe.

Then only it will tell… 

Yes, it’s here on the left or…

Let's see who can find out first through PLR where the gold is hidden in India.

Maybe that lucky one will be one of our viewers.

Here I would like to say one thing. I hold PLR in high regard,

Therefore, it should be used to solve the serious issues.

Thank you, Piyush Uncle.

I think today’s session was very energetic and fun.

And at certain moments I had goosebumps listening to your stories.

I’m sure my audiences would also have liked it very much.

And as we keep getting feedbacks, it is possible that people may approach you.

I'll put your details on my website and podcast as well.

Maybe people will approach you for help.

This is the mission of life for me.

I will do whatever possible. It will be a pleasure.

Thank you Piyush uncle.

Thank you.